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Video has become an increasingly important part of the digital media landscape, with consumers actively searching for and engaging with video content.

In the past 12 months my experience both in front of camera and behind has grown significantly. I am proficient in editing video in both landscape and vertical formats.

Recently Olympics Explained series garnered ACM more than 200k views in less than two weeks. Following their success I was part of a small team who created daily recap for use across the network.

Olympics Explained

Every four years the world gathers to watch the Olympics and support their nation’s best athletes, but so often we have no idea what it is we’re actually watching.

After reaching out to ACM’s audience, I helped answer some of their burning questions to make the 2024 Olympiad just a little bit easier to follow.

This series took an international event and made it relevant to a local audience by engaging with local experts. It took what our audience was talking about and brought it to them in a way that made Paris feel so much closer to home, and also avoided pesky broadcast restrictions.

Over the fortnight the Games were on, the series gathered more than 200,000 views on DailyMotion embed, with additional views on Meta and TikTok.