Score line flatters Demons

Originally published in Dubbo Photo News

The Dubbo Demons were put through their paces on the weekend, despite the game’s flattering score line.

The 50-point win didn’t come easy, as the travelling Demons struggled to play their signature football at Waratah Sports Ground in Orange.

Coach Peter Martinoli wasn’t pleased with the team’s early effort and said they took a while to find their feet.

“The score was a bit flattering in the end, we probably only really played half a game of football. It just took us a little while to get going. Whether it’s just coming off the back of a good win we weren’t quite switched on again, I’m not sure, but they really switched on at half time and that’s where we started piling on the points.

“After halftime we started playing our football and moved away from trying to play the same brand of physical football that Orange bring every time we play them. We began playing our style of football, playing smart football.”

The game was played on a smaller field than usual, and crowding became an issue, as players struggled to adjust their game to the condensed space.

“I don’t know why the smaller ground was chosen, I don’t know what decisions go behind that. I’d prefer to play on the bigger ground, we’ve got a full team, let’s use as big a ground as possible.

“You lose some dynamics of the game by going to a smaller ground.”

After a few frustrating errors, a half-time spray seemed to get the team roaring again, with some pressure taken off the backline, who’d worked overtime to keep Orange’s attack at bay under the guidance of centre-half-back Mikaela Cullen.

“Mikaela had a strong game across half back. All the back line did extremely well though, they were quite outnumbered at times, and they all stood up strong. They didn’t let them through, and Mik there as an authority played really well,” said Martinoli.

This wasn’t the first time the Demons have struggled at the Tigers’ home ground, after a surprise loss to them their last season.

Martinoli said that last year’s loss wasn’t a concern heading into the game, but that the team is always cautious of what Orange might bring to the game.

“Any team at home is always going to be really strong, and the travel always just takes a toll. But we know [Orange] are always going to lift to the occasion in front of a home crowd, especially on a Memorial Day like this, for Chris Rothnie.

“We’re just always aware of what they can bring at home but we tried to focus on our things, instead of trying to worry about what they’re going to do. We know what we can do, we know our style of football is in some ways better, and we just need to use our skills to our advantage.”

Dubbo Demons women’s 8.9.57 defeated Orange Tigers 1.1.7, with goals to Alicia Hafoka (3), Lauren Hazell (2), Kaitlyn Waldie (2), and Emily Warner (1). It was a clean sweep for the Demons, with both men’s teams also heading home with the win. In an incredibly tight game tier one 10.9.69 just scraped through over Orange 9.10.64. Opening the day, the tier two men won 9.9.63 to Orange’s 6.5.41.

Looking to this weekend, Martinoli said the team is preparing for their game against the Bathurst Bushrangers, in what should be a large home crowd.

The club will be celebrating 40 years of football, and Martinoli said he is pleased to share the weekend with the Bushies.

“We’re celebrating 40 years of Dubbo AFL against the Bushies, which is always a great contest. They’re just one of those clubs that you do genuinely love playing against and everyone always walks off with a smile.”

Alongside the anniversary celebrations, the women’s team will be marking Women’s Coaching Month by handing coaching duties over to veteran players Kaitlyn ‘Speedy’ Waldie and Mikaela Cullen.

“We’re going to throw the throw the whiteboard to Mikaela and Kaitlyn, to give them a go as coach. Speedy has shown interest in coaching before, so it gives her that platform to do it, as well as Mikaela’s great insight to sporting movements. It’s great to be giving them the opportunity and let them shine on the big stage at the fortieth,” said Martinoli.


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