Drug bust

Originally published in The Nyngan Weekly

Rumours were flying across town last Thursday, as a significant police operation began across two properties. Officers attached to central north police district, tactical operations unit, tactical operations regional support, police negotiations unit, drug and firearms squad’s chemical operations team, and Fire and Rescue NSW HAZMAT flooded into Nyngan for the operation.

At 7:30am on Thursday, June 2, police began executing a search warrant on an industrial property on the Mitchell Highway.

By 9am three unmarked police cars were situated outside the property, with several more standing by a block away at Hospital Road.

In addition to the police cars, five fire and rescue vehicles and two ambulances were also positioned, ready to go if needed.

Across the railway tracks, at 10:15am six marked police cars were situated in Cathundril Street as officers executed a second search warrant.

The raids quickly became talk of the town, with a plane circling overhead for most of the day and officers seen atop of the eastern water tower. Businesses either side of the Mitchell Highway property were evacuated just after 9am and not allowed to return until later that evening.

Despite plenty of theories, rumours, and accusations flying across town, NSW Police were unable to confirm any details of the raid until the following day.

During the execution of the Mitchell Highway warrant a 38-year-old man allegedly refused to leave the premisses and became violent, damaging property and threatening police.

Police negotiators engaged in a nearly eight hour siege with the man, where he made demands and attempted to injure police with explosives.

Police allege the 38-year-old threw multiple homemade acid bombs and a molotov cocktail at officers. The explosives landed in the immediate vicinity of officers, which caused chemicals to emanate, however no one were injured as a result.

The man surrendered himself to police at 3:15pm, was arrested then subsequently taken to the Nyngan police station. He was charged with:

• Knowingly/recklessly direct criminal group assist crime,

• Organises/conducts/assists drug premises,

• Manufacture prohibited drug,

• Two counts of possess precursor intend to use in manufacture/production,

• 23 counts of supply prohibited drug,

• Supply prohibited drugs on an ongoing basis,

• Assault police officer in execution of duty without actual bodily harm,

• Wilfully obstruct officer in execution of duty,

• Use offensive weapon to prevent lawful detention, make/manufacture explosive-/gunpowder with intent to injure,

• Throw/lay down explosive with intent maim/do grievous bodily harm, and

• Place or set trap with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm.

A 29-year-old woman was also arrested at the Mitchell Highway scene and charged with:

• Organises/conducts/assists drug premises,

• Participate criminal group contribute criminal activity,

• Take part manufacture prohibited drug indictable quantity, and

• Take part supply prohibited drug, and supply prohibited drug.

At the Cathundril Street property a 48-year-old man was arrested. During the search police allegedly located knuckle dusters, a sling shot, drugs, ammunition, electronic devices, a pistol, and mobile phones. He was charged with:

• Assist drug premises, participate criminal group contribute criminal activity,

• Knowingly take part in manufacture or production of prohibited drug,

• Possess unauthorised pistol, not firearm keep safe,

• Possess ammunition without a licence and possess prohibited weapon.

In a post in the Facebook group Nyngan Crime Watch Nyngan police sergeant Tony Wood said the raid was thanks to community members.

“What this doesn’t mention is it all came about thanks to some great members of our community who look out for the best interests of our town.

“As usual - they remain confidential - but they know who they are and are the true heroes of this bust.”

Sergeant Wood said that the investigation was started thanks to leading senior constable Kira McGoldrick “whose early work got the investigation up and running”.

Sergeant Wood said he is grateful to his team at the Nyngan police station for their ongoing efforts to keep the community safe.

“I am extremely proud of the police who conducted months of painstaking investigation and surveillance,” he said.

“Last Thursday’s operation was an outstanding success in showing that Nyngan is no place for those who want to set up criminal enterprises.

“I also want to thank those in the community who worked with us from day one. The people of Nyngan have once again show how much they care about this town.”

All three faced Dubbo Local Court on Friday, June 3. The 38-year-old man and woman were both bail refused until July 21.

The 48-year-old man was granted conditional bail to appear in Nyngan Local Court on Monday, June 27, 2022.

Police investigations are still undergoing in relation to the incident however, Nyngan police have told The Nyngan Weekly they are pursuing a fourth man.

Sergeant Tony Wood said that a 26-year-old Nyngan man is still outstanding in relation to the matter. Anyone with information that may assist investigations is encouraged to contact Nyngan police station or report confidentially to Crime Stoppers NSW.


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