Council selection
Originally published in The Nyngan Weekly
Jack Buchanan will represent the district as part of the Department of Student Voices in Education and Schools Council (DOVES).
The Minister’s Student Council is the first formal structure in NSW for public school students to interact with Education NSW and the NSW minister for education, Sarah Mitchell.
Ms Mitchell said that when COVID-19 changed the way schooling was delivered, there was no forum where students could share their views on their education system.
“A group of students went to her and said we want to have a voice, and she said, ‘okay then, make a council and I will put students on it,” said Jack.
Jack is a member of the Nyngan High School student representative council and applied for the program last minute.
“I made a video, transferred it and applied. I didn’t think I’d ever think about it again. Then two-weeks-later I got an interview. There was one other student on the inter- view which made it easier, someone to relate to,” he said.
Jack was asked about his views and thoughts on suspensions and how to improve student engagement.
“For a long time it’s been teachers and parents that have had a voice, and now we are getting students involved and have an impact on their lives, which is an important thing.
“There are problems that need to be solved and getting that unique student voice in the conversation will help that,” he said.
Though he hasn’t met his fellow councillors yet, Jack does know of a student in Brewarrina who was also selected for the program.
Having students from remote areas on the council is important to Jack, and he hopes they are able to help provide different views and experiences to the council. Jack’s mother, Tanya Buchanan, said she is incredibly proud of Jack and that the council is exactly the kind of thing he excels at.
“We were very blown away, we couldn’t believe that a youth from Nyngan was successful. Jack will definitely hold his weight in Sydney, and in the world,” she said.
Jack is one of 24 students that will sit on the council that will meet virtually twice each term. The minister will be invited to attend the second meeting each term as well.
Forums at local levels will supplement the meetings to ensure wider consultation on issues with students across the state between DOVES meetings.
The DOVES council will be asked to provide input into policy as required and will discuss issues relevant to students and the ways in which the government may assist in solving them.
Jack will travel to Sydney this week to meet with the minister and his fellow student representatives.